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Mumma, Aaj Aap CORONA Ko Maarkar He Aana!

I stepped out of my house to go to the Hospital, after I advised all my family members, relatives, and friends to stay at home. The duties in the PPE kit itself drained me out completely. I felt as if I was trapped in a deep cave in which I had very little oxygen to breathe.

But, the most difficult part was to handle the patients while taking care of myself and my family too. The constant fear of getting infected crossed my mind several times. On top of that, owing to our constant contact with patients, I feared that I might take the virus home.

During my COVID hospital duties, I encountered many severely ill patients taking their last breath in front of me. Believe me, this was such a difficult situation for me as I felt so helpless and fragile. Yet, I tried my best each and every single day, to see a beautiful smile on the faces of my patients. It was not so easy to stay calm and keep working in such a situation. Many times I cried endlessly while driving my car home and letting my emotions out before I reached home to give a beautiful smile to my daughter.

I very well knew that my 3-year-old daughter is eagerly waiting for me to take a bath soon and take her in my lap. I once again woke up the next morning, consoled myself, and went back to work with all the positive vibes from my daughter saying, "MUMMA, AAJ AAP MERA BAT AUR CHAPPAL LE JANA AUR CORONA KO MAARKAR HE AANA".

My innocent little angel thought CORONA is some kind of insect and believed that mumma is going to kill it sooner or later. I hope COVID-19 shall be defeated soon, but this taught us that there is no greater virtue than humanity.